Monday, November 3, 2008

A Life in the Eyes of a New Dad

So, I'm a brand new dad. On September 22 at 5:26p.m., my little baby girl was born. And I went from a happily waiting-to-be-dad into a full fledged new Dad. It's funny when you think about becoming a new dad. You have all these thoughts and ideas of what it's all about or how you envision you will be as a dad, but nothing can prepare you for it. I guess I'm creating this post just to tell my side of being a new dad and about all my experiences with my new baby. Hopefully others will see my blog and understand everything that I'm going through. I also hope that people who are not parents, and one day want to be, or one day are going to be soon, will get some idea of what having a new baby is like. Maybe they will learn some wisdom as I learn it as well.

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