I haven't written anything on this blog in a while. I was trying something new and basically got side tracked for the past couple of months. I will try to keep this going more often. Maybe something every couple of days if time permit.
So a lot has happened since my last point. Mainly, my little girl is now a little over ten months old! I can't believe it. As everyone has said and will say in the future, "Time does fly!" I feel just like last week I was getting up every couple of hours on the couch while my wife and I touch shifts to feed Ellie. Now she's crawling around and getting into everything that she can reach and touch. Even though that is a new level of toughness in becoming a parent, it's wonderful to see her develop and start to mature.
Her personality is really coming out and she's really starting to grow into her own little person. No longer is she the little baby that use to just watch me wash her bottles and snuggle. Now she's the little baby that can follow me around, and wants me to hold her so she can wash the bottles with me, and when we snuggle....well, let's just say that she loves my glasses and loves poking her finger in my eye!
She also has some new stuff that she can do. She can basically say the word dog, dada, and mama. She of course has her baby talk which is absolutely hilarious but mostly just sounds like a Sims character. The funny thing is that she can say dog and my wife and I thought that it was her understanding what our dogs looked like. Well, we were half right, but now she thinks anything with four legs that doesn't look like a human, is now a "doogg" Well, I'll post more and definitely try to keep up with this. For now, I leave you with a most recent picture of my little one.
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