Happy Birthday Eliana Jean Portman!
What a wonderful day to celebrate today, the day of my child’s birth
I can’t believe it’s already been a year, since she was brought on to this earth
It was a long journey for us to take, to create a life of our own
How could we have thought it would take so long, how could we have known
Two years our hearts yearned for a little baby to hold to tight
We thought about it constantly, every minute of every day and night
Everyone around us seemed to be happy for celebrating the sign
Because they were ecstatic to be blessed by those two little pink lines
We were very happy for everyone, now don’t get me all wrong
It’s just a bunch of mixed feelings we had, because we had been trying for so long
But wait is what we did, and the test and medicine we tried
We loved each other harder, we laughed, got angry, and cried
It seemed so long back then, but really went by in the blink of an eye
We were about to take a break for now, but decided on one last try
I had a vivid dream in the weeks that were to unfurl
That I was holding and singing to our new little baby girl
So a week or two later, we waited anxiously for hopefully our last test
And then one early morning Casey woke me up from my dead rest
She said, “Come here, I want you to look at something. I’m not sure what it is!”
I was barely awake, confused, and I really didn’t want a pop quiz
She pulled me into the bathroom and said, “What do you see?”
I was like, “No way? Are you sure you took this right?” This can’t be!
But a doctor’s visit would surely confirm any of our doubts we had
Casey was going to be a Mom and I, a new Dad
So we celebrated finally and the news began to spread
We now had to start planning, think about the steps, we needed to look ahead
So nine months came and gone, it really did go by so fast
But I was really glad to get all that nausea and bathroom breaks in the past!
So Casey labored for 15 hours, but the baby’s heart rate kept getting low
So they whisked her away, gave me a gown, to the surgery room we go
A C-Section was not how we envisioned this, it was not part of the plan
But none of that mattered anymore, as we heard something so grand
It was the cry of our baby, as she took her first breath into this world
She was so beautiful, she was finally here, our little baby girl
A few couple months were hard due to the lack of sleep we had
But that didn’t matter because I’m so happy to be a dad
I look at her now and she’s changed so much in a short amount of time
And I look at her older pictures and still can’t believe she’s mine
Oh my beautiful baby, I love you beyond what words can say
But know that you bring me great happiness everyday
So Happy 1st Birthday Eliana Jean, and know that you changed our world completely
Because you made this family of two, into a family of three ever so sweetly