Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Funny Stuff

So, I haven't written anything since last year! Wow, I'm so good at keeping this blog updated. I know that everyone gets a lot of updates from Casey, but I thought I would post some stuff that she doesn't hear or see. I'll try to post more stuff often.

Here are some of the most recent things I can remember;

* Ellie is now having a small obsession with the moon. The other, driving her to daycare, I pull up to a parking space and Ellie yells with excitement, "I gotcha moon! There you are moon. Moon right there daddy!"

* As I got her out of the car the other day at daycare, Ellie notices that I have nose hair. She says, "Daddy, hair nose, hair up there. " Thanks for pointing that out, I'll make sure to trim that up! :)

* Just this morning Ellie has a small meltdown. Why you ask? Well, she likes eating her bananas now with the banana peel attached and holding it. She ate about half of it, and then decided that daddy needed to peel the banana some more because she wanted more banana. When I did that and threw the banana peel away, she began to have a meltdown and yelled, "MINE!!! Banana Peel, no daddy!" Okay, now I know that the kid wants to keep her banana peel! Got it.

1 comment:

caseyportman said...

You should blog more often! I'll try to stop stealing all of the good stories ;o)