Monday, August 31, 2009

A Late Night Snuggle

So, not too good at keeping up with the updates, but hey at least it's not a couple months down the road! Anyways, to my update. I love that my little girl is growing up. She is constantly amazing me at what she does and says and it gets me excited about what is around the corner and all of the fun stuff she has yet to learn. Just this past weekend, she walked around in some sandals that Casey put her in that she was too small to wear before and she loved them. Wouldn't let Casey take her out of them. It was too funny.

It's little moments like that, which make me smile and laugh and just love her so much more every day. But last night I realized something in the fact that she is growing up and that all these moments that I am enjoying now will becoming memories. Makes me a little sad every time I think about it. Every night I go into Ellie's room and check on her before I go to bed. I usually end up putting her blanket on her, even though I'm sure the wiggle worm will have it off of her in the very near future.

But last night she ended up waking up and she sat right up and just looked at me and waved her arms around like she wanted to be picked up. I tried to lay her back down, but she just rolled over and sat up again, this time with some whimpers, like she wanted me to pick her up even more. I did just that. I grabbed her, the blanket, and her pacifier and we sat down into the rocking chair and with her head on my chest, we just rocked for a good long while. It was that moment last night that I enjoyed that memory. Like, I know I'm not going to get many moments like this all the time, so enjoy it. Plus with Ellie, it's rare that she'll snuggle with you anymore. She's usually too distracted with the world around her.

But it was nice. I just kissed her head and rubbed her back while her little hand tugged on my shirt collar. It's moments like that I realize how much I love her and how blessed I am to have her in my life. She makes my life sweeter every day. And what's even better to have Ellie in my life is to have Casey with me too. I give amazing "props" to the woman and men out there that raise a child on their own. Casey is my support on so many levels and I love her so much. I have two amazing girls in my life and I'm lucky that they love me back! haha. Until next time....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Daddy Daughter Day

Well, my wife got to see some of her old friends this Sunday. I got to spend some time with Ellie all by myself. As you can see by this posting, we survived. No house fires or anything broken. Of course the living room had toys strewn around everywhere!

Ellie and I had a great time. I think I could watch her facial expressions all day. Her little smirks, smiles, "questioning" looks are absolutely entertaining. Oh, and she finally stood up all by herself. She has already been pulling herself up on things like the couch and shimming around, but this was the first time she literally just stood straight up in the middle of the floor. She was smiling right at me and me right back at her, but of course there is never a camera, camcorder, cell phone, polaroid, etc. when you need one! But I'll at least have the memory of it. We will definitely get it on camcorder when she does it longer.

Overall it was a great day. Ellie and I have a blast and Mommy got some well needed time with some old friends. Now, another week of work begins. Wish me luck!